Thursday, 21 March 2013

The Horsemen

I am going to come up with a short story for one of these horses and I'll leave prompts for the other two so that you, the reader (if it so pleases you) can create your own story for them in the comments on Facebook. If it works, maybe I'll do another blog if not, it was totally your fault that it failed and you will be held eternallty responsible for my new thursday format.
 It was the final inning of Carl's tennis round when...
This, is Captain Blackeye of the wildly successful short story, "Blackeye's Vase."
The reason he has been portayed as a horse-man is because in the time that this statue was molded the horse-head was reserved for all traitorous scum such as pirates also, he actually had the head of a horse. As for the man standing beside him, the only confirmed crew member of the Appaloosa (the name of the ship) and his head is missing because Blackeye believed heads that did not bare the resemblance of a horse were unnecessary and overrated, as it turns he was right, he had the highest functioning crew of any pirate sailing the reasonably-high seas.
The reason this statue has been erected in such an urban shopping environment is because this particular store was crafted using many integral parts of The Appaloosa; Blackeye's lucky blue steering wheel and one of the portholes from the captains quarters.

These special jockeys from ________ rode ________ and their events involved...

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Assisi/ A Little Bit of Gubbio

This is a blog heavy laden with pictures so I figure, if a picture is worth a thousand words, I have a college graduate length paper right here and that is why only a brief description will be following each photo.
To start off, here we have our first church of the journey,
 the one with a giant, golden figure atop its steeple.
 This is a different place and as you can hopefully see, this one has no golden figure.
A small overview of the Assisi area with a few chumps in it.

A two story church, complete with an ongoing
 mass and an old man ranting in the adjacent piazza.
 Hard to go wrong with ye olde carousel, especially with 17+ year old children on it (from our group of course).
Here is the previous church from a different angle, pretty spiffy.

A rather large castel atop a hill.

 Instruments of epic proportion inside the afore mentioned castel.
Also inside the castel was this very
 Minecraft-esque tunnel stretching from the main body out to what I assume is a watchtower of sorts.
To finish it off, here's Steve holding the modern worlds most impractical camera.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Monday Update

As I'm sure all three of my regular readers have seen, I done been slacking on my blog, but for good reason or rather I have good excuses for doing so. Anyways, now I gotta do a Monday update as well as my usual Tues and Thurs posts.

Last week sister and I went to the Faulkner's for a few days whilst the rents were at a business something-or-other, had good times over there, played some vimleogames, watched a couple Predators and best of all, had some slicious meals made by Mrs. Faulkner. The Predator movies were terrific, Ryan and I watched the first one on our first night and it was pretty epic, except for the part where Carl Weathers died. The second one was fantastic, a Predator gets to LA (I think) and runs rampant amongst the local gangs while Danny Glover disobeys orders like a son in order to chase after the Predator. In the second movie the Predator has some new weaponry for better disposing of gang members with and he uses these to raid a crimelords home where the crimelord is being killed by some Jamaicans. When the Predator shows up he absolutely wrecks all the Jamaicans and then takes off through the glass roof, shortly after this ordeal Danny Glover bends a few direct orders to investigate the penthouse where he and some other blokes find the only survivor of the whole massacre.

I've gone into probably more detail about this movie than I should have for a blog chronicling my stay here in Italy so I'll go ahead and stop now and just leave you with this picture.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Calamities I

So apparently, yesterday a building partially exploded just down the street from us. We were told that there was a gas leak or something along those lines and it combusted which ultimately resulted in the calamity you see in the pictures below.
 We were informed by some people that there were multiple fatalities and others said that there weren't any at all. All of Riviera di Chiaia was shut down for the clean up of the building rubbish and instead, Via Partenope was opened up.
The next  two catastrophes I don't have pictures for.

The other day the Citta della Scienza burnt down, I'm not certain the cause of this but I assume it was accidental. Luckily, before it burnt down we were able to visit it and "steal" some hujangus basilco leaves.
This last incident isn't quite so disastrous as the previous, it's more just something we happened upon on the way home today. A man was sitting on the sidewalk and not 50cm in front of him there was a puddle of the brightest blood I've ever seen. I think what happened was his foot was run over or something similar.
Just another week living here in Napoli.